The Battle of Weird Questions: Candidate vs Interviewer

weird questions girl - The Battle of Weird Questions: Candidate vs Interviewer

Explore the intriguing dynamics of unusual interview questions in this engaging post. Uncover strategies, insights, and humor in the interaction between candidates and interviewers.


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    Today we’re venturing into the mysterious world of the job interview, where both candidate and interviewer are about to engage in an epic battle of wits, vying to ask the strangest question ever asked.

    Imagine a high-stakes game where every question thrown across the table is met with a raised eyebrow, a stifled chuckle, or a bemused smile. Each weird question scores a point, and the ultimate winner is crowned 👑 Master of Weird Questions!

    Round 1️⃣

    Interviewer: If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

    This question may seem strange, but it could be a creative way to assess a candidate’s personality traits and how they see themselves.

    Candidate: Can I bring my pet snake to work every day?

    This question may seem weird but reflects the candidate’s personal interests and work-life balance concerns. It’s important to address company policies regarding pets and discuss whether the workplace is pet-friendly.

    Round 2️⃣

    Interviewer: How many square feet of pizza do you think is eaten in the world each month?

    While unusual, this question tests a candidate’s problem-solving skills and ability to think on their feet.

    Candidate: How many pencils can fit into your company office?

    This question is unusual but could be an indicator of the candidate’s analytical skills and curiosity. It may lead to a conversation about office space, efficiency, and organization.

    Round 3️⃣

    Interviewer: If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

    This weird question can help to uncover a candidate’s values, aspirations, and how they view their own abilities.

    Candidate: Do you believe in aliens and would your company ever consider working with extraterrestrial clients?

    Although this question is peculiar, it showcases the candidate’s sense of humor and could be a conversation starter about the company’s openness to innovation and diversity.

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    Round 4️⃣

    Interviewer: If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?

    This unusual question can provide insight into a candidate’s interests, inspirations, and values.

    Candidate: What’s your company’s policy on time travel?

    While this question is definitely strange, it can be a fun way to talk about the company’s flexibility in terms of working hours and its focus on innovation and forward-thinking.

    Round 5️⃣

    Interviewer: If you were a color, which one would you be and why?

    An unconventional question that may help to reveal a candidate’s personality and how they perceive themselves.

    Candidate: If your company were an ice cream flavor, which one would it be and why?

    This creative question can lead to an interesting discussion about the company’s unique qualities, culture, and values, helping the candidate understand the organization’s essence.

    Round 6️⃣

    Interviewer: If you were a brand, what would your motto be?

    This quirky question can reveal a candidate’s core values and how they want to be perceived by others.

    Candidate: Would the company ever consider sponsoring a professional pillow fighting team?

    This offbeat question can be a fun way to discuss the company’s approach to team-building, sponsorship, and corporate social responsibility, as well as its willingness to support unconventional initiatives.

    Round 7️⃣

    Interviewer: Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?

    An odd question that can break the ice and show how a candidate approaches hypothetical situations or decision-making under pressure.

    Candidate: How does your company handle potential zombie apocalypses?

    While this question is quite imaginative, it can be a fun way to discuss the company’s emergency preparedness, crisis management, and adaptability in the face of unexpected challenges.

    Round 8️⃣

    Interviewer: How would you explain the internet to a medieval person?

    This can help gauge a candidate’s communication skills and ability to simplify complex concepts.

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    Candidate: How would your company handle a sudden, worldwide shortage of coffee?

    While this question might seem strange, it can lead to an engaging conversation about the company’s adaptability, problem-solving abilities, and how it keeps employees motivated and productive.

    Round 9️⃣

    Interviewer: What two items would you bring to a deserted island and why?

    This question evaluates a candidate’s ability to prioritize and think strategically.

    Candidate: Do you think robots will eventually take over my job?

    While this question may seem weird, it opens the door for a conversation about the impact of automation, artificial intelligence, and the company’s commitment to adapting to technological advancements.

    Round 🔟

    Interviewer: How would you describe the yellow color to a blind person?

    This question tests a candidate’s communication skills and ability to convey abstract concepts.

    Candidate: Can I use dances to present my ideas during meetings?

    This quirky question opens the door for a conversation about the company’s approach to communication, creativity, and inclusivity, as well as its support for unconventional methods of expression.

    The final score is 10:10

    No winner this time! 🙂

    Key Takeaways

    When faced with these weird questions, it’s essential to maintain a positive and open-minded attitude. These inquiries can reveal the candidate’s creativity, sense of humor, and ability to think outside the box, while also providing opportunities for meaningful conversations about the company’s culture and values.

    Tags: battle, candidate, conversation, hiring, hr.

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    Back in 2013, I founded Echo with the simple business idea: "Connect great tech companies around the globe with the brightest software engineers in Eastern Europe." We've employed hundreds of talents so far and keep going.
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    1 year ago

    If you could be any car, which would you be?
    I’m a huge car guy and the interviewer was too so this was a moment we bonded over, but f*ck, that was an awkward question.

    10 months ago

    I’ve actually found these questions very important especially when you’re meeting a new person that you want to hire. Or when you’re looking around for a new job. A lot of these questions might seem strange but they can reveal a LOT about the person in front of you.  I actually use this one whenever I’m looking for a new freelancer to hire “If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?”. I add a “and why?” at the end of it as well. It’s one of my favorite questions that lets me… Read more »

    10 months ago

    I think it’s very important to ask the right questions as an employee. If you’re auditioning for a position at a company you should both be willing to handle the responsibilities that position demands and also make sure the company is willing to handle your personal needs and requests. You are selling your time and mental capacity and should receive adequate payment. Just because you’d like to get the job doesn’t mean you should sell yourself short. I think good work deserves good pay and other benefits and great work deserves even more.  All great questions that made me think.… Read more »

    10 months ago

    I was actually asked question number 8 at an interview! It caught me a bit off guard but I gave a good reply nonetheless since I got hired πŸ™‚

    That question about coffee is concerning because I and many others run on it so if that were to happen, well, it wouldn’t be good. 

    PS: supporting a professional pillow fighting team should be a must for any company!

    10 months ago

    I like these kinds of unconventional questions because they bring out unconventional thinking. And I like the idea that employees need to ask questions as well and not just be there to answer some.

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